#1 The start of a Journey on the Borderline

on the borderline mountain trail beginning meditation. My meditation Diary

Meditation Diary #1 – reflecting on meditation practice – on the borderline

I am writing this diary as a backwater to the my main site regarding meditation – The Villages Meditation Group. I spent a few hours today going round in circles and getting misinformed by support setting up this subdomain, but enough of that.

This diary is not about tech. It is about getting a flow going and reflecting on my meditation practice, so it is rather personal. More motivating and interesting making a diary like this because my physical diaries can become a chore. My hand writing is rather illegible, even to me after a few weeks.

Physical diary on the borderline

Classic Genuine Leather Notebook – 5.3″ × 4″. ( Click Safe )

The reason I put ‘on the borderline’ in the title was that I felt I was on the edge of something. Additionally my favorite meditation spot currently is to sit early on my inner porch front doorstep on the borderline between public and private. Wonder where all this will go…

. For myself when putting down my I usually go straight to the tablet because physical writing is hard work for me and barely legible. How er I do use this kind of journal as a dream diary because by the time I get my head together to switch on my tablet the details of my dream may have evaporated. Additionally sometimes it is good to have a break from screens.

Wacom CDS-810S Bamboo Slate Smartpad A4

. If you are a digital native and don’t like typing this is an elegant solution because you can write normally and digitise it on the fly.

The Wacom digital notepad seamlessly bridges the gap between handwritten notes and the digital realm. Easily convert your handwritten notes on any paper into digital format with just a button press.

Export your sketches, notes, and ideas in user-friendly formats like JPG, PNG, PDF, or WILL. Effortlessly sync with popular cloud services such as Inkspace, Dropbox, Evernote, and OneNote using the Wacom Pad.

Enhance your productivity on-the-go with the free Wacom Inkspace app, offering 5 GB cloud storage for further editing and optimisation of your digitised notes. Compatible with Bluetooth-enabled iOS or Android smartphones or tablets using the Wacom Inkspace app. The system requirements include a maximum approximately 80 pages thick notebook (<8 mm) and Bluetooth 4.0.

Package includes the versatile Bamboo Slate A4 from Wacom (CDS-810S), suitable for both right and left-handers. It comes with a pen and refill, notepad, micro USB cable, and a quick start guide. The Bamboo Slate is designed for smartphones and tablets with Bluetooth technology, supporting iOS 11 or higher and Android 5.0 or higher.

Why Journal ?

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